Return Policy
If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with your purchase, contact us within 15 days of purchase, and receive a full refund or credit towards immediate replacement.
Return shipping charges: If the error, or reason for the return was our fault, we will refund both your original shipping charges and the return shipping charges. Once a return is received, merchandise and any applicable shipping refunds will be credited to your credit card, or equal value towards immediate exchange will be given.
Original shipping charges will be credited in all cases that do not involve purchaser error. If the error was ours, we will refund your original shipping charges and pay for return. The returned merchandise will be credited to your credit card or equal value towards immediate exchange will be given.
278 Jackson Ave. NE
Live Oak, Fl 32064
If you have any questions, please call us at (386) 249-5938 or e-mail us at